Make your own typography rug


It’s me….

I’ll stop right there. Although I could probably do this whole post in the voice of Adele, I’m sure you’d rather just cut to the chase.

This DIY was inspired by the ever so talented Jessica Hische. Graphic designer, letterer, and illustrator extraordinaire she creates the most amazing type projects. Posting a photo of a typographic rug I waited patiently for instructions on how to get one. Well actually, I’m not that patient, so I decided to give it a go myself because I needed to have it toot de suite! 

Wouldn’t this make the cutest rug in a kid’s room with their names? Or if you choose a more durable fabric, it would even make a super cool doormat. I chose to make a small area rug for my office and am pretty jazzed with it!

I chose a plush felt that I picked up at Joann’s fabrics. I wanted the rug to have a little more heft, so I chose to stick a fabric stiffener product to the back. This step is optional but if you’re putting this on a hard surface you may want to add it so your rug doesn’t wrinkle too much and stays flat.


If you do decide to use a fabric backing product, stick it on the back first before tracing on your stencil. For the stencil, I created a file in an illustration program to the size of my rug and added my word art. When printing, it will print the large image onto several letter-sized pages that will need to be tiled together. Just tape them together to create a super large stencil, then cut out the black letters.

If you’re keen on this “hello” rug, I’ve created a stencil that you can print out at home and use. Click below to get the stencil emailed to you….. “from the other siiiiiiiide” . OK, I’ll stop.


Once you’ve created your stencil or printed out the one I’ll email you, it’s time to get started.



Tape your stencil pages together and cut out the letters. Place it on the back of your fabric and trace it using a piece of chalk or pencil depending on your fabric color.  Cut along your lines, and voila, a new rug that will bring a unique vibe to your space. I always smile when I walk into my office and see my rug saying hello to me. “It’s so typical of me to talk about myself, I’m sorry” . OK, that was the last one.

Comment below and let me know how you like your rug, cause “I’m in California dreaming about who we used to be….” . Fine, I’ll stop.

Get a printable stencil to make the ‘hello’ typography rug emailed to you


